CYRENE at the joint Workshop with DataPorts, VesselAI & Vital-5G

Following the first contact made at the DataPorts parallel session during the Shipping Finance Conference 2022, organized by OTE, CYRENE participated in the joint workshop between DataPorts, VesselAI, Vital-5G, and CYRENE that took place on May 11, 2022.

Hosted by DataPorts, the workshop aimed to bring all the aforementioned projects together to further investigate the possibilities of collaboration. CYRENE had a strong presence at the event and was represented by the Project Coordinator, Mr. Sofoklis Efremidis, the Scientific and Technical Manager, Dr. Sofia Karagiorgou, and the Dissemination Manager, Spiros Fotis Jr.

All participants were able to exchange ideas and ways to promote collaboration between our projects while also renewing the meeting for mid-summer 2022 with an agenda of specific activities to set in motion.

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Project Coordinator: Sofoklis Efremidis
Institution: Maggioli SPA
Email: info{at}
Start: 1-10-2020
Duration: 36 months
Participating organisations: 14
Number of countries: 10



EU flagThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 952690. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.