CYRENE 3rd INFO DAY hosted by CRF

The 3rd CYRENE INFO Day was successfully organized on October 7th in Turin. CYRENE partner CRF organized and hosted the event at its premises in Turin. The Info Day was held in Hybrid mode with more than 30 participants attending online and 13 people attending physically.

The 3rd CYRENE Info Day was organized to raise awareness about international standards that are relevant to the project, focusing on cybersecurity, the security of supply chain services, security management, and trends in standardization. This goal was achieved during the morning session of the event with the presentations by our invited guest speakers from relevant standardization bodies:

  • Mrs. Ifigeneia Lella (CyberSecurity Officer, Capacity Building Unit – ENISA), who reported on ENISA’s Ransomware Threat Landscape, and
  • Prof. Edward Humphreys (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 1 Convenor) provided an overview of the ISO Supply Chain Security Standards.

Moreover, during the morning session of the Info Day, other EU-funded projects were briefly introduced by their representative speakers:

  • Mr. S. Musso (Politecnico of Turin), described the CONCORDIA project, and its application of a blockchain framework in the logistics domain;
  • Dr. R. Woitsch (BOC Products & Services AG), provided an overview and a presentation of one of the FAIRWork project pilots;
  • Dr. A. Fournaris (Industrial Systems Institute) gave a speech on the cybersecurity aspects of the CPSoSaware and EnerMan projects;
  • Dr. A. Miaoudakis (Sphynx Technology Solutions AG), presented the achievements of the H2020 project C4IIoT.

During the afternoon session of the Info Day, the CYRENE consortium had a chance to present the project’s results and achievements up to M24.

Direct contacts and further cross-dissemination possibilities have been discussed with the invited representatives of the other EU-funded projects, namely: CONCORDIA, FAIRWork, CPSoSaware, EnerMan, and C4IIoT. During these discussions, everyone expressed their interest to continue and deepen the exchange of information with CYRENE, regarding the commonalities and differences in relevance to the approaches, platforms, standardization framework, use cases, and achievements.

Download the presentations of the event

Dr. R. Woitsch (BOC Products & Services AG), provided an overview and a presentation of one of the FAIRWork project pilots:

Dr. A. Fournaris presentation on the cybersecurity aspects of the CPSoSaware and EnerMan projects:

Dr. A. Miaoudakis (Sphynx Technology Solutions AG), presented the achievements of the H2020 project C4IIoT:

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Project Coordinator: Sofoklis Efremidis
Institution: Maggioli SPA
Email: info{at}
Start: 1-10-2020
Duration: 36 months
Participating organisations: 14
Number of countries: 10



EU flagThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 952690. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.